Päivän poiminta netistä

So you are producer, director and actor in your own play. You are also the script writer but the script is being written as it goes along. You know what that means? You can change the script anytime you want. You are writer, you are actor. You don't like how scene is going, change it. That is how much power we have. And we don't realise it. -Dolores Cannon


Luetuimmat postaukset tässä kuussa

Pahan onnen tai kirouksen puhdistaminen kananmunan avulla

Rakkausmagia: Keitetyn ruusun taika

Hoodoo: Taika saamaan henkilö himokkaaksi sinua kohtaan

Loitsun ajoittaminen: Viikonpäivien korrespondenssit

Rakkausmagia: Toimivia loitsuja ja tietoa

